
  • Information

Legionella grow best in stagnant and warm water but grow in a large rate of temperature. In presence of organic matter it grow thrives.

This bacteria has a flagellum which allow moving. Legionella needs oxygen to survival and exist 48 differents species known. The most important due to its medical impication is Legionella pneumophila. This specie produce Legionelosis or Legionnaire's disease. Legionella pneumophila is specifically considered as a pathogen of the respiratory tract usually with fever. Some patients also have muscle aches, headache, tiredness and occasionally diarrhea and vomiting.

Potential sources of such contaminated water include cooling towers used in industrial cooling water systems as well as in large central air conditioning systems, hot water systems, showers, architectural fountains, misting equipment, and similar disseminators that draw upon a public water supply.

Is necessary to control this bacterias in all source of infection and that why our equipment has the necessary materials and methods to guarantee hygiene and safety.

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